joi, 14 aprilie 2011

Eu, tu, noaptea...

Mi-am adus azi aminte de un film de dragoste nemaipomenit, " Memoirs of a Gheisha". M-am gandit la ce a spus fata draguta cu chipul pictat, cu tenul alb, cu buzele rosii si cu cele doua linii de pudra care aluneca usor pe langa coloana. A spus: 

"The heart dies, a slow death,
shedding each hope like leaves..
... until one day there are
none. No hopes. Nothing remains.
She paints her face to hide her
face. Her eyes like deep water.
It is not for Geisha to
want. It is not for Geisha to feel.
Geisha is an artist
of the floating world 
She dances. She sings. She entertains you,whatever
you want. The rest is shadows. The rest is secret."

"You cannot say to the sun “more
sun,” or to the rain “less rain.”
To a man Geisha can only be half a wife.
We are the wives of
nightfall. And yet to learn of kindness…
… after so much unkindness. To understand that
a little girl with more courage than she knew,
would find that her prayers were
answered. Can that not be called happiness?
After all, these are not the memoirs
of an empress, nor of a queen…
… these are memoirs of another kind."

O poveste a unei tinere, care trece de la o tragedie la o dorinta arzatoare, care trece prin niste momente dezamagitoare, care reuseste cu timpul sa faca parte din viata unui om pe care l-a iubit de cand era o copila, care si-a dorit doar sa-i fie jumatate de sotie, o sotie de noapte, un vis, care dimineata dispare. 
Asta a insemnat pentru ea fericirea.
Pentru voi ce inseamna?

Un comentariu:

  1. "-Jin Yi.
    -Yes, Mistress?
    -What do you think is most important to a gisaeng?
    -Is it wine?
    -No, it is not. it a proposal?
    -Perhaps not.
    -If it's not it love?
    -Impertinent girl...What do you know about love?
    -Although all of those things belong to a gisaeng, none of those are the most important. The most important thing to a gisaeng is pain. When you can swallow your pain and overcome your desires, that is when you become a true gisaeng...and a true artist..."
    asta este un dialog dintr-un serial despre viata unei celebre gisaeng, Hwang Jin Yi....
